
Welcome to NAHQ NEXT 2020 and thank you for all you do as healthcare quality professionals, especially during these challenging times!

We are honored to host you for this year's virtual conference and have a program guide you can use to help navigate your event experience.

Conference Evaluation and CE Credits

CPHQ CE credits, ACHE Qualified Education Credits and CNE credits can be obtained after submitting the NAHQ NEXT evaluation, which is available in your NAHQ profile and clicking on “My Learning” in the left menu and then "My Events." Note that you should NOT finalize/submit the evaluation until you are done evaluating all sessions that you attend. You can earn up to 39+ continuing education credits. If you have any questions please email virtual@nahq.org

Remember, all LIVE NAHQ NEXT 2020 attendees will have access until October 31, 2020. All ON DEMAND NAHQ NEXT 2020 purchasers will have access for 60 days from your purchase date..

Thank you to our generous sponsors
